Tag: intimacy

  • Recognizing Conflict, Resolving Tensions, and Rebuilding Your Relationship

    Recognizing Conflict, Resolving Tensions, and Rebuilding Your Relationship

    Conflicts in a marriage are inevitable and perfectly normal, but many couples struggle to resolve these conflicts alone. This inability to communicate effectively with one another can cause dissatisfaction in one or both parties. Seeing a marriage counselor is one of the best ways to help clarify and resolve the issues that arise between couples.…

  • Psychology Today Article on Intimacy

    Psychology Today Article on Intimacy

    I was reading my monthly subscription of “Psychology Today” and was very taken with an article on intimacy. The article was written by Lisa A. Phillips, who is a professor of journalism at SUNY New Paltz. The part that truly stood out to me was the following: Becoming close to another person is one of…