Learn the communication process of Imago relationship therapy at our couples workshops located in Huntington – Long Island, NY.
So we break for lunch for an hour to maybe an hour and a half depending on how much material we have gone through and because we all have different ways of learning, we show videos in order to help you to understand more effectively, as examples of how we tend to communicate with each other.
I try to incorporate getting up and moving as much as possible and stretching because we’re sitting for a few hours but everybody has remarked on how the day flies. When we’re finally finished on Sunday, people don’t want to leave and that just makes me feel like I did what I was supposed to do, which was really help the couples and assist them in learning the communication process of Imago relationship therapy – in particular, the intentional dialogue, and just the energy that Don and I bring into the space.
I feel very blessed.
Individual, Couples & Family Therapist