Tag: relationship therapist

  • Imago Workshops for Couples in Long Island

    Imago Workshops for Couples in Long Island

    Imago relationship therapy workshops for couples in Long Island, NY ~ The Huntington Relationship Center Stay tuned for our LINY couples workshop dates!! I am open for business, I have been seeing people face-to-face, Tuesdays through Fridays. I’m fully vaccinated. People come in, sit in the waiting room with a mask on, once you come…

  • How we bring baggage into our relationships.

    How we bring baggage into our relationships.

    Emotional baggage is what people often carry into relationships. Simply put, “baggage” is the collection of unpleasant memories from the past that continue to negatively affect our perception and behavior in the present. How and why do we bring baggage into our relationships from the past? Unmet Needs: Each of these must be met or…

  • How can I add more love to the world?

    How can I add more love to the world?

    “How can I add more love to the world?” is a great question we should ask ourselves each day. – SCOTT STABILE Learn the communication process of Imago relationship therapy at our next couples workshop in Huntington, NY. The New York Times bestselling guide to transforming an intimate relationship into a lasting source of love and companionship. Getting…

  • The communication process of Imago relationship therapy

    The communication process of Imago relationship therapy

    Learn the communication process of Imago relationship therapy at our couples workshops located in Huntington – Long Island, NY. So we break for lunch for an hour to maybe an hour and a half depending on how much material we have gone through and because we all have different ways of learning, we show videos…

  • Relationship Tip #17: Blaming has no positive effect at all.

    Relationship Tip #17: Blaming has no positive effect at all.

    “Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reasoning and arguments. That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding.” Relationship Tip #17:  This quote from Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that blaming another person does not work; what works is understanding the other. I…

  • Relationship Tip #12

    Relationship Tip #12 Do one nice thing for your partner each day; one act of kindness or thoughtfulness. Do it as a “gift” to them without expecting anything in return.