Robin Newman, Imago Relationship Therapist in Long Island
Robin Newman, Imago Relationship Therapist in Long Island Make a good relationship better, heal a broken relationship, or prevent a new relationship from potential pitfalls. If you want to learn the tools to long-term relationship success, contact the Huntington Relationship Center today. Your relationship is much more likely to be a long, happy one if…
How we bring baggage into our relationships.
Emotional baggage is what people often carry into relationships. Simply put, “baggage” is the collection of unpleasant memories from the past that continue to negatively affect our perception and behavior in the present. How and why do we bring baggage into our relationships from the past? Unmet Needs: Each of these must be met or…
Just for today
Poet John Donohue said, “bless the space between us”. Think of your relationship as living in the space between you and remember to take care of that space. Everything you say and everything you do affects the space (your relationship): the way you look at each other, the tone of your voice, the words you…