Intentional Dialogue
The Intentional Dialogue in Imago Relationship Therapy with Robin Newman, Therapist in Long Island Tied Up In Knots… Try to remember this the next time a fight has you tied up in knots. The best argument has no winner, and nobody gets blamed. For the best argument is a dialogue, an intentional dialogue, heated perhaps,…
Getting Through Hard Times
It’s easy to love when we are blissfully happy, when we are in love and everything is running smoothly, but love is tested in hard times developed in crisis and reaches its full maturity when unexpected tragedies unfold. So, although we never seek or welcome tragedy, we need to remember that there is a hidden…
Getting The Love You Want – Couples Workshop
Introducing Couples to Relationship Growth through Imago Therapy Interested in improving the quality of your relationship? Make a good relationship better, heal a broken relationship, or prevent a new relationship from potential pitfalls. This couples intensive workshop can make all the difference. Join Robin Newman, LCSW-R, PC Individual, Couples & Family Therapist 148 East Main…