Tag: depression

  • How we feed into our depression / anxiety

    How we feed into our depression / anxiety

    Another question that is often asked to me when people are calling me up to sort of screen me to see if I’m the right fit is they’ll ask me, how I work with their depression / anxiety? I try to approach it as a relational model. I do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as well. Most…

  • Anger Management: Symptoms & Triggers

    Anger Management: Symptoms & Triggers

    Anger is a natural response humans have to certain situations, and it should in no way be something we’re ashamed of. However, having troubles controlling your anger can be an issue. Problems with anger management, often called having “anger issues,” only becomes a problem when you can no longer control it. Anger shows itself as…

  • Steps to Combat Anxiety

    Steps to Combat Anxiety

    Steps to Combat Anxiety:  The experts say that we are all suffering from anxiety right now and I believe them. It may manifest itself in different ways for different people, but we all feel it. Sometimes, things are so obvious that we think we shouldn’t even have to say it, but during times of great…

  • Heightened Stress in 2020 – Counseling for NYers

    Heightened Stress in 2020 – Counseling for NYers

    Heightened Stress in 2020 – Counseling Services for NYers – Robin Newman, LCSW Invest In Your Love A relationship goes through numerous phases during its life cycle, and it’s obvious for it to have a few rough patches. The strength of a relationship is reflected in how couples deal with the rough patches and move…

  • Prayer for Gratitude during Coronavirus

    Prayer for Gratitude during Coronavirus

    I found something that is very touching that I’d thought I would share with you in order to help you get through today. It’s a prayer for gratitude. Also, after I read this, I’m going to share ways to keep yourself from getting less anxious. If you find that you are getting very anxious during these…

  • Irrational Beliefs Theory

    Irrational Beliefs Theory

    The Becks Model – Underlying Schema Early experiences, subconscious thoughts, unconscious thoughts, things again, that family and culture have taught us that we carry with us into a cognitive distortion. So he agreed with Ellis, and believed in his irrational beliefs theory. Albert Ellis was an American psychologist who in 1955 developed Rational Emotive Behavior…