Tag: Imago Relationship Therapy

  • Non-Verbal Communication in Relationships

    Non-Verbal Communication in Relationships

    Non-verbal communication is the messages we send to others that don’t include words. We can tell a lot about how a person feels, if they’re being genuine with us, or what kind of mood someone is in without them saying anything about it to us. Just the ‘vibe’ someone displays says a thousand words. Making…

  • Attachment Styles in Relationships

    Attachment Styles in Relationships

    Have you ever evaluated the attachment styles in your relationships; whether intimate, friendly or career-based? When we recognize the roles that we play in relationships, we become more aware of our habits & behavior patterns. With this awareness, comes the possibility for change within ourselves and an improved sense of well-being in our relationships. In…

  • Robin Newman, Imago Relationship Therapist in Long Island

    Robin Newman, Imago Relationship Therapist in Long Island

    Robin Newman, Imago Relationship Therapist in Long Island Make a good relationship better, heal a broken relationship, or prevent a new relationship from potential pitfalls. If you want to learn the tools to long-term relationship success, contact the Huntington Relationship Center today. Your relationship is much more likely to be a long, happy one if…

  • Imago Workshops for Couples in Long Island

    Imago Workshops for Couples in Long Island

    Imago relationship therapy workshops for couples in Long Island, NY ~ The Huntington Relationship Center Stay tuned for our LINY couples workshop dates!! I am open for business, I have been seeing people face-to-face, Tuesdays through Fridays. I’m fully vaccinated. People come in, sit in the waiting room with a mask on, once you come…

  • Individuals can use an Imago Relationship Therapist too!

    Individuals can use an Imago Relationship Therapist too!

    What’s interesting about Imago relationship therapy, is once you have an understanding… Once you read that book, I think you don’t really need to have a partner to understand the dynamics of what Harville & Helen are talking about in it. Once you open yourself up to this knowledge base, you can’t shove it all…

  • Imago Relationship Therapy for Individuals Long Island, NY

    Imago Relationship Therapy for Individuals Long Island, NY

    The Huntington Relationship Center offers Imago Relationship Therapy for Individuals, Couples & Families in Long Island, New York ROBIN NEWMAN, LCSW-R, PC offers Imago relationship therapy for individuals. Part of our problem is in how we may have been brought up. We don’t always know better, but when equipped with the right knowledge, we can…

  • The spiral experience in relationships – Imago therapy NY

    The spiral experience in relationships – Imago therapy NY

    Robin talks about the spiral experience in relationships according to Imago relationship therapy during her couples’ intensive workshops in Long Island, New York. For more information on couples counseling, contact Robin today. All relationships start off with a flood of good emotions, then couples begin to hit a wall when things get challenging. What Robin…

  • The Imago Dialogue for Couples

    The Imago Dialogue for Couples

    If you feel that your relationship is lacking intimacy, I highly encourage you to look into the Imago Dialogue. As an Imago Relationship Therapist, I help guide couples who struggle for re-connection to find their way, develop better communication skills, and fully be heard and understood. Once this happens, couples open up, their hearts open,…

  • Recognizing Conflict, Resolving Tensions, and Rebuilding Your Relationship

    Recognizing Conflict, Resolving Tensions, and Rebuilding Your Relationship

    Conflicts in a marriage are inevitable and perfectly normal, but many couples struggle to resolve these conflicts alone. This inability to communicate effectively with one another can cause dissatisfaction in one or both parties. Seeing a marriage counselor is one of the best ways to help clarify and resolve the issues that arise between couples.…

  • How we bring baggage into our relationships.

    How we bring baggage into our relationships.

    Emotional baggage is what people often carry into relationships. Simply put, “baggage” is the collection of unpleasant memories from the past that continue to negatively affect our perception and behavior in the present. How and why do we bring baggage into our relationships from the past? Unmet Needs: Each of these must be met or…