Getting The Love You Want Couples Workshop 2022
We’re excited to share with you our new dates for our weekend couples counseling workshop, ‘Getting The Love You Want’ in Long Island, New York. Taking place in Huntington, NY, this intensive couples workshop gets right into it, no messing around. Robin Newman, Imago Relationship Therapist, Social Worker & Owner of the Huntington Relationship Center…
Imago Workshops for Couples in Long Island
Imago relationship therapy workshops for couples in Long Island, NY ~ The Huntington Relationship Center Stay tuned for our LINY couples workshop dates!! I am open for business, I have been seeing people face-to-face, Tuesdays through Fridays. I’m fully vaccinated. People come in, sit in the waiting room with a mask on, once you come…
Romantic Love Is Not An Illusion
Romantic Love Is Not An Illusion ~ Getting The Love You Want Sept. 2019 Workshop ~ Long Island, NY Romantic love is not an illusion. We’re our highest selves when we let go of defenses. We think the person who we’re falling in love with is “giving” us these feelings, but actually, it’s our body…
Allow yourself to be fully seen by your partner.
Allow yourself to be fully seen by your partner. Couples workshops with Robin Newman, LCSW. Really being seen. We feel loved when we feel seen, deeply perceived, and validated. When another human being responds to us, we feel understood. Being able to be seen requires being vulnerable. It means that we reveal ourselves or that we…
Our partners think & love differently from us
Not Like You: our partners think & love differently from us – NY Couples Workshop – Getting The Love You Want Not like you. The person you love won’t look at love or your relationship in exactly the same way that you do. He or she may have very different feelings about how it…
Are we really drawn to partners like our parents?
Couples Workshop February 2020: Are we really drawn to partners like our parents? Our parents’ business: No person is without a history or context. We are all living out untold, unfinished emotional legacies passed down to us by our parents as conscious discovering individuals. We must live our way through all the things they have…
Couples Workshops for 2020
Couples Workshops for 2020: February 21 & 22, March 21 & 22, April 18 & 19, May 16 & 17 Love is the crucible, the un-meltable, changeless container in which we’re tested by fire, melted down, and transformed. In love, we are formed and reformed by the white heat of unexpected re-visitation of all…
NY Couples Workshop for February 2020
GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT The New York Times bestselling guide to transforming an intimate relationship into a lasting source of love & companionship. February 21 & 22, 2020 Sat & Sun, 9:30-7:00 PM 575 Broadhollow Rd Melville, NY Is your relationship starving for affection, romance and/or passion? Do you wish to deepen the relationship,…
GTLYW couples workshop – Power Tactics
Power Tactics in Relationships As the drugs which flooded our brains disappear, we see something in our partner that scares us.. It’s like the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy pulls back the curtain. The curtain is pulled back and we experience shock and denial. We bargain and we get angry. That is grief running through…
The Conscious Relationship
A conscious relationship is an intentional decision requiring the courage to commit and believe that within the power struggles of a relationship, lies the gold. Putting the pieces together: ask for an appointment with your partner when you need to talk about something important: “Do you have the time to talk?”“Is now a good time…