Review about Robin Newman
Review about Robin Newman left by Phil S. “This review could literally be 10 pages long: one page for every year that I have known her both professionally and personally… Professionally, Robin is top notch. I find her to be an open-minded, straight-talking, no BS, problem solving, truth warrior. She will be the most sensitive,…
Robin Newman, Imago Relationship Therapist in Long Island
Robin Newman, Imago Relationship Therapist in Long Island Make a good relationship better, heal a broken relationship, or prevent a new relationship from potential pitfalls. If you want to learn the tools to long-term relationship success, contact the Huntington Relationship Center today. Your relationship is much more likely to be a long, happy one if…
Imago Workshops for Couples in Long Island
Imago relationship therapy workshops for couples in Long Island, NY ~ The Huntington Relationship Center Stay tuned for our LINY couples workshop dates!! I am open for business, I have been seeing people face-to-face, Tuesdays through Fridays. I’m fully vaccinated. People come in, sit in the waiting room with a mask on, once you come…
Individuals can use an Imago Relationship Therapist too!
What’s interesting about Imago relationship therapy, is once you have an understanding… Once you read that book, I think you don’t really need to have a partner to understand the dynamics of what Harville & Helen are talking about in it. Once you open yourself up to this knowledge base, you can’t shove it all…
Avoid These Marriage Killers
Let’s face it – we’ve all probably been in a situation where we are arguing with our partner and start to become unkind in the process. Anger flares, insults are hurled, and now the difficult situation we found ourselves in has gotten increasingly worse. There’s many factors that can get in the way of a…
The spiral experience in relationships – Imago therapy NY
Robin talks about the spiral experience in relationships according to Imago relationship therapy during her couples’ intensive workshops in Long Island, New York. For more information on couples counseling, contact Robin today. All relationships start off with a flood of good emotions, then couples begin to hit a wall when things get challenging. What Robin…